A Place for All Women

Archive for April, 2011

The Royalty Within

What is it that draws us to a Royal Wedding?  Why do we watch the Coronation of a King?  Or why do we tune in for the latest details on the Birth of a Prince? 

It is exactly that…the Birth of a Prince. 

We are heirs with Christ Jesus. We have been adopted into his family; we are Daughters of the King.  And just as there is a black hole in our soul that can not be filled by anyone or anything short of our Father in Heaven, we were born for Royalty.

 So if there is a touch of “I wonder what that is like” or “I wish for one moment I was her,” you are supposed to feel that way.  You were born for such a title as this:

Princess Daughter

Romans 8:16-19 NASB

“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.  For I consider that the sufferings  of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.  For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.” 


© Copyright 2011, KeziahCarrie.  All Rights Reserved




The Hoy-tee Toy-tee Ducks of Green Hills

          An empty day on the calendar usually has a way of making me feel a little uneasy.  Since it’s such a rare occurrence, I guess I’m not always sure what to do about it.  I’m a detail person, a scheduler and a list maker, who operates best with a pre-set outline of obtainable goals.

          So, after a hectic week working on an impending deadline, Thursday rolls around and, all of a sudden, there is nothing to do.  I know, I know, how does that happen?  Well, it doesn’t happen very often, so this time — instead of allowing any anxiety to surface — I decide to see it as a sign, a gift from God if you will.  After all, I have been working really hard. So, Carpe diem, I seize the day!

            I start with a cardio spin class because, at my age, exercise is a blessing to my cholesterol loving heart.  I follow it with an endurance class, just to prove to myself that I can still endure it!  Then I think. “Oh, what the heck,” and head for a Yoga class so my sore body can ask my mind why I did the first two classes when I had a whole day with nothing to do. 

            I’m not sure what I was thinking when I took THREE classes, back to back, but I finally got to the coveted corpse pose.  It’s the grand finale when you just lie there like you’re dead.  It’s the one position you wish could last a little longer… okay a lot longer.  I was in some sort of semi-sleep zone and not at all ready to leave.  But, once people around you start rolling up their mats, and the senior center folks push past you for their place in the next class, well, it’s a little hard to nap.

            Reluctantly, I grab my stuff and walk out into a breezy but sunny 72 degree day.  I find an outdoor café serving rosemary grilled chicken with roasted asparagus.  I savor each herbal flavor, while simultaneously watching all the wonderful people walking by just doing what they do and going where they go. 

            My Thursday in heaven could have ended right then and there!

            However… walking back to my car I notice a creek I must have driven over a dozen times, but never really saw before, at least not like I was seeing it now.  There is a shade tree, a big ole rock large enough to sit on, a tiny little water fall…and here I am just wondering, what exactly did I do, to deserve a day like this, when the rest of the world is still at work.  It doesn’t seem fair.

            Seriously, I should feel guilty, but I don’t.  

            It helps when I see three little ducks swimming in the creek and think, as blessed as I am at this very moment, it is only right for me to “pay it forward”. 

            I check my purse… Cinnamon Altoids…hmmm, probably shouldn’t try that…coffee candy…won’t work…a miniature dark chocolate peanut butter cup…if it’s not good for dogs, it’s probably not a good idea for ducks.  Then it occurs to me, there is still a breakfast biscuit from a quick stop market wasting away in the car.  You know the kind…two bites and um, not so hungry.  I run over to the car, pick it up and wait for the ducks to dash back to my little outdoor sanctuary.  I toss a piece of bread into the creek…and nothing happens.  I toss another piece…they don’t even look.  I take a few steps in their direction.  The ducks eye me suspiciously, and nothing.  Okay… I give it one last try.  Another hard crumb causes ripples in the water, but they arrogantly turn their backs. 

            Are you kidding me? 

            Across town in Centennial Park, ducks will just darn near grab the food right out of your hand.  But these pretty little ducks just sun themselves, bathe a bit, and ignore me.  Fine, I decide I will ignore them too, and take this awesome time to do some writing.  No sooner have I put pen to paper than the ducks swim right up to me.

            “Ah ha, I knew you would come get it,” I taunt them, looking around quickly, hoping no one heard me.  I toss some more bread and once again they turn up their beaks… but this time they actually swim away…

          Then I totally figure it out!  These are not normal ducks.  These are the three happiest and smartest ducks I have ever encountered.  Their creek flows in the shadow of the largest Whole Foods Market in one of the most upscale communities in our metropolitan city.   These ducks don’t eat left over convenience store breakfast biscuits.  They only eat organic!!  They never have to exercise, and I bet they don’t have a single commitment on the calendar.  


Okay, I know, silly story, but it made me laugh. 

We really don’t laugh as much as we should.  

The Bible says,

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 NIV 

             Research shows that children laugh on average of 300 times a day while adults only laugh about 15 times.  When did that happen?  When exactly did we quit laughing?  Even if you have to laugh at yourself (for talking to ducks), take some time to laugh, at least a little. 

            After all, the man who figured out how to turn barefoot beach music into a multi-million dollar empire says: 

“If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.” Jimmy Buffet.



Fruit of the Vine

             “Is it okay to like communion?” our son asked last Sunday.  His curiosity made me smile, even though I did have to stop and think about how I might accurately answer such a question.  Every time I take a sip of Welch’s grape juice, I always remember the sweet smell of it on my mother’s breath when I was a child.

            In the little church where my grandparent’s worshiped, the grown-ups took the Lord’s Supper every Sunday.  They would first pass around the unleavened bread (which always looked like a cracker to me) and then they would pass a silver tray of tiny little glass cups filled with grape juice.  It was quite a solemn observance as I felt sure it should be.  But it was also something I aspired to…something I wanted to be part of …something sacred for the big people.  And by the time they passed it around, I was pretty hungry and it smelled good.

            When I look at the story in the New Testament book of Matthew Chapter 26, the words in verse 20 always seem to catch my eye.  It says Jesus was “reclining at the table” with the twelve disciples.  It’s probably rarer in our society than it was in years past, but reclining at the table conjures up an image of a warm and welcoming place.  A relaxing atmosphere where conversation is key and good food is still on the table.

            Certainly there was seriousness that night, like never before.  But prior to talk turning back to the impending crucifixion, in both the books of Matthew and Mark, it says, “While they were eating, Jesus took some bread,”

            Jesus was sharing a special evening with his disciples.  When He asks us to share the same meal, I believe He wants us to feel that closeness with other believers and especially with Him.  He told us very specifically to remember Him, and, when we do, sometimes, thoughts of His death on a cross summon up feelings of sadness.  But we are reminded in Matthew 26 that Jesus was not forced to die on the cross…no one took Him against His will…He was not overpowered by the crowd…He chose to give His life for us.

            The solemn, respectful observance should leave us walking away rejuvenated, refreshed, forgiven and free.  We can recline in a way…relax in the knowledge that no one has ever loved us more.

            Recognizing that our son would probably remember our words, we gave careful consideration to what we believe is an accurate answer. 

            It’s not only okay to like communion, it’s okay to love it.”  

It is an ordinance for redeemed sinners, and not for unfallen angels. By receiving it we publicly declare our sense of guilt, and need of a Savior – our trust in Jesus, and our love to Him – our desire to live upon Him, and our hope to live with Him. Using it in this spirit, we shall find our repentance deepened, our faith increased, our hope brightened, our love enlarged, our besetting sins weakened and our graces strengthened. It will draw us nearer to Christ.  ~ J.C. Ryle 

          On Good Friday night, we always try to gather friends and family to watch The Passion of the Christ.  While it is a hard movie to watch, it is a blessed reminder of what He really did and how much He values us.  No matter what you think of yourself, no matter what you believe others think about you, He proved how much He loves you and how much you are worth to Him.  While we spend so much of our lives trying to win the love of others, His love is the greatest love of all!

Who else would ever sing a song of praise, before willingly choosing to die, just for you? 

“After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.”

Matthew 26:30 NASB 

Communion, the Lord’s Supper, Holy Sacrament or the Eucharist…isn’t it really all the same?  It’s a privilege to share in His sufferings so we might also share in His inheritance. 

Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”

Romans 8:17 NIV  

Hold your head up a little higher, walk with more confidence, and see yourself through His eyes and not the eyes of the world. On Friday, April 29, 2011 as the world watches Kate Middleton marry Prince William, just remember you are a Daughter of the real King! 



Quiet Time

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;

and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Matthew 6:33 (KJV)  

            She was a tiny little woman with long black hair showing significant signs of graying at the roots.  A maternal looking lady, with a baby wrapped around her body in one of those sling things, the first time we met.

            She handed out workbooks and told all those gathered together in a semi-circle that homework would require 30 to 45 minutes, maybe even an hour each day for five days.  We would have one day off.  Then we would meet again.

           This mama say, “What?!” 

           Seriously, a ladies Bible study takes that kind of time?

            Someone should have clued me on this before I showed up for the free food and child care.

            But as I started to look around, and listen more closely,  I heard some of the women, clearly Bible study veterans, talking about the importance of even taking time for an occasional afternoon tea.  Okay, well if that’s what works for them, I guess that’s cool.  I get that.  I wish I felt that way.  But at the time, I saw myself as way too busy…more of a grab a coffee and go, kind of girl.   A people pleaser on a manic mission.

            She had certainly expected such reactions.  In her calm, relaxed tone, which I already envied, she expressed a complete understanding of the internal conflict.  As the mother to a house full of boys and an unexpected baby at 40-something, she knew how hard it could be to carve out any time for ourselves.

            But this was different.

            This was time we would spend one-on-one with God.  She assured us that if we would make an effort, God would respond and reward us with more time than we really knew we had.  

          It was easy to contemplate, hard to believe. 

          But she was right.

          It was a little rocky at first, roughing up the family routine so “I” could have a little “me” time.  But it didn’t take long to figure out this is a bit of a faith-based formula that should probably be scientifically tested. 

            It’s been FIVE years since I first got out of bed, headed to the front porch swing and spent time putting God first.  What started as “Okay, Okay, all right, I’ll give it a try” quickly turned to a life-changing, life-altering, gratifying, fulfilling, successful bit of quality time.  My husband wishes he had it, my children help me guard it and some of my friends sort of hate me for it.  But it’s available to everyone. 

            I’m not a tiny little woman like the lady who gave me such great advice.  I don’t have a sling thing with a baby in it.  And my hair is not black, though it does have significant graying at the roots.  But I am full of opinions and often feel the need to offer them without request. So listen up ladies, take some time for yourself…for you and God…just the two of you.  Sit there in the silence, pray, read or study.  It’s easier than you think.  And, God will respond and reward you with more time than you thought you had.  

             I predict, your quiet time will very quickly go from something you’re trying to do, to something you have to do. 


“Now you come on and get up out of that bed. You know any time you give to God he will give it back to you”

~Myrtle Alexander

 (My friend Marny’s grandmother who lived 83 years) 

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.”

Titus 2:3 (NIV) 

“God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle.  He tells you to do things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end.”

–Joyce Meyer 

“Try a thing you haven’t done three times.  Once to get over the fear of doing it, twice to learn how to do it, and a third time to figure out whether you like it or not.”

–Joyce Meyer     


If you already take quiet time, tell us how it works in your life.  If you haven’t tried putting God first,  try it and let us know if things change for you. 

We would love to hear.   


The Little Things

          There is a popular place in the city where people like to hook up and have lunch, but parking is next to impossible.         

          So as a friend and I perused the small lot a few weeks ago, the conversation turned to whether or not God cares where we leave the car. Right at that very moment a prime spot opened up, we pulled in and parked, looked at each other and literally laughed out loud.

            Sure it seems like a silly thing, a little thing.  But I believe the God who cares if you get a good spot is the same God who cares enough about us to make us park at a distance and walk, if that’s what we really need.  God cares about us.  He wants what is best for us.   We are his girls.  And as he works in our lives and tries to teach us to come to him, have faith in him, count on him and depend on him, then yes, parking spaces can certainly be a useful tool in his arsenal of favor for us.  We change from day-to-day, our needs change, but when we are submitted to him and his will for us, he works it all out. 

            When the Israelites got tired of manna, God gave them quail…when the wedding feast ran out of wine, he turned the water…when Peter needed to pay his taxes, God put money in the mouth of a fish.

            Certainly, if he thinks you need the physical exercise more than a particular up front favor, you’re going to be walking.  Or maybe it is your temper, impatience, a sense of entitlement or lack of humility that will have you hoofing it from the back lot.  Trust me, sister, I can testify to more than a few off-road excursions brought on by my own self-centered point of view.  I may be walking today.  The point is, he loves us, and he cares about us from the most serious need to the smallest detail. 

            Maybe it’s not a parking place you are looking for; maybe you would just like to know what you are wearing to work tomorrow.  He’s got that covered too.  And since he does, go ahead and circle the parking lot one more time.  He’s full of simple sweet surprises …and sometimes those are the little things.          

Matthew 6:25-26 (NASB) 

“For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not worth much more than they?”        

  The little things matter, the big things matter, but the condition of our heart matters most.  

What are some of the little things God has done for you lately?
