A Place for All Women

Posts tagged ‘Horse rescue’

Hemmed in on Every Side

           If there was a photo or video, one of them might have captured the sheer hopelessness of the situation.  But the fear that surged through my body, partnered with regret, and an onslaught of guilt, could never be caught on camera.

          We had just gone to bed when the phone rang with news that flash flooding we thought would miss our area had, in fact, turned its destructive face toward us.  Through the pounding rain, we jumped in our truck and drove a mile and a half, cautiously crossing an area of flooding we had never seen before, in order to reach the pasture where we keep horses and donkeys. Massive lakes of water filled the normally dry land on both sides of the road.  We could barely see it in the dark and yet there was a strong unmistakable sense of its looming presence.  The roar of the creeks, out of their banks and feeding this natural disaster, was louder than my frantic pleas and prayers to our Almighty God.  “O God, the rain has to stop!  O Lord God, save my babies.  O, Father tell us what to do.”

            There was no place to pull over so we drove a few miles, desperately searching for an area without flood water that was large enough to turn around.  It was dark and desolate.  But it was then I felt a calming peace that made no sense under the circumstances. We parked in the middle of the road and my husband got out to shine a flashlight.  Allowing my fear to then override the peace I felt, I couldn’t imagine how the horses would have possibly survived.  There was just too much water.  But there they were… huddled together chest deep…forced up against two locked gates…with our little donkey’s head barely above water.  Our boss mare, an old Palomino, turned to look at us with pleading eyes, while our little donkey cried out to us… and I cried harder.

          I know 911 is for human emergencies but we didn’t know what else to do.  The operator was gentle and kind.  And then a deputy, already passing our way, stopped just long enough to tell us they were going to help, but they had others who needed them first.  We understood and were grateful.  Their willingness giving us hope.

Horse RescueThe landowner was the next one to stop.  As much as we wanted the horses free, we pleaded with him not to attempt it alone.  As the rain began to back off and the water considered receding, the rescuers returned, tied ropes around him, and he waded through the rushing waters to unlock the gates.  Our horses, led by the oldest and lowest in the herd, muscled their way across the rapid water and walked calmly and peacefully through the flashing blue lights illuminating the road already blocked and ready for them to crossover.Horse rescue 2

          And, just like that… hemmed in on every side…chest deep and neck deep… in an instant, they were free and walking out on dry ground.

          The image of the Israelites approaching The Red Sea, hemmed in on every side, with God as their only hope, came quickly to mind once we were safe.  It’s not just our horses, in an unexpected flash flood, that poses a threat.  We are often hemmed in by other circumstances.  Sometimes it’s finances.  Sometimes it’s deadlines on work projects we need to deliver.  There have been lawsuits in our lives that sought to destroy us.  Sickness, injury, and accidents encircling us and setting their traps.  And yet, there is God.

          I like to stay closely connected but when the sun is shining, there’s money in the bank, all the deadlines have been met, and no one is being nasty, I figure God will understand if I get back with him a little later.  I have things to do and life gets busy.  But, let me get hemmed in on every side and you will hear me cry out to the Lord with a loud and proud pleading voice.  I am a Daughter of the Most High King, he knows my name, he knows the sound of my voice, and he comes to my rescue!  Not because of who I am, but because of who he is.

          This morning, our son suggested I pray and ask God to give me peace from the memories of that night. It’s been almost two weeks and I confess I still see each image way too vividly.  But there are even more reasons why I need to pray.  The Red Sea of our circumstances will threaten us again.  As Jesus told us, in this life we will have trouble.  So, my mind returns to the Israelites looking for an analogy…hoping for an example…recognizing their manna only lasted for one day.  And I know, like them, I will cry out again.

What has you hemmed in?

Finances? Family? Friends? Your job? A substance?  An addiction? A betrayal?

Maybe it’s the pressure to perform, maintaining multiple social media accounts.

What are the circumstances that threaten to destroy all that you hold dear?


The very next Bible verse in my prayer journal, following the flood,
 was Isaiah 43:1-2.  What are the odds, really?

 “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.  I have called you by name; you are Mine.  When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.”

And, then, the next morning from

Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling” Devotional, I read:

“On darker days, My Peace stands out in sharp contrast to your circumstances. 

See times of darkness as opportunities for My Light to shine in transcendent splendor.

 I am training you to practice Peace that overpowers darkness. 

Collaborate with Me in this training. 

Do not grow weary and lose heart.”

Rescue 7

          This was the fourth flood since Christmas 2017; so losing heart was certainly up for consideration…not just for me, but also for my family and our horse friends.  They stood with us in the darkness stunned by the magnitude of what they were seeing.  Saddened by the damage they saw yet again.  

It might be easier to give up than to keep fighting to repair gates and fencing after each flood.  But we can never give up loving these amazing horses.  Five of the eight are rescues and all have brought joy to countless numbers of visitors. 

The chains have been broken, the shackles released, the horses are temporarily on higher ground and like the Israelites we will move forward toward The Promised Land!Rainbow

The road where we turned around that night, we later learned, was the same place a mother trying to move her SUV to higher ground was swept off a bridge and could not be rescued.  I’ve cried for her and her family many times since that night.  I don’t know why things happen the way they do,  but I believe in an all knowing, all caring, all loving Sovereign God.  May He have great mercy on her family and be especially close to the broken-hearted.

© Copyright 2019, KeziahCarrie.  All Rights Reserved


Willing to be Wounded

Star must have taken many blows.  

The marks on her body displayed the evidence.  

Sweat had dried and hardened her golden hair.  Her eyes were weary, yet strong, and determined.  

While every animal instinct should have had her on the front line of defense, she had turned and faced her own herd, in order to protect Princess Olive, a young, previously mistreated, and now permanently deformed filly.  She took much of what was actually meant for the little interloper. 

Although, by all appearances, a horribly cruel encounter for any new one, it is but a necessary reshuffling of the hierarchy in order to determine the parameters of the herd.  Each equine encounter ends in a

showdown decision.  One will dominate; the other will submit. When Star saw the overwhelming odds against Olive, she stood her ground.  As the only mare in the pasture who has ever given birth, we believe she knew the difference in this little defenseless lamb and was determined to defend and protect her.

Initially, as is a good practice when putting any new horse in an established herd, we placed them in separate pastures.  We even put our little donkey with Olive for overnight protection. But when we turned our backs to retrieve water, she effortlessly jumped the 4-foot dividing fence and ran right into the middle of our anxious herd.  We were paralyzed by the absolute awe of it.  Here we were trying to help this little rescued fragile filly and yet she was gutsy enough to run right into the middle of six healthy horses more than twice her size.

We run right into the middle of many messes.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Unfortunately, Olive was wounded in her foolish attempt to force her way into their world.  But her wounds are healing.  Star took most of what was meant for Olive, put a hedge of protection around her, and stood so Olive could lay down and sleep.  We lost an entire day of work just watching this unique display of selfless love play out in our little leased pasture.  God does some of his greatest miracles in what we might all perceive as the most unlikely of places.

It has taken a few days but, literally, the dust has settled. Olive has been accepted.  She has established herself in herd position and gets to push the little donkey…because she can.  She ventures out alone looking for
him…hoping to prove her dominance.  We’ve also seen her push the mares that rank upper middle. She struts her stuff when they move out of her way.  But, what we see, that she doesn’t see, is Star standing guard, parting that path, giving Olive confidence, and making a way where there is no way.

I was pushed back and about to fall but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:13

          Our Lord’s lessons play out all around us.  Some we see, some we take for granted, and more often than we ought, we take credit. He is still our rock, our refuge, an ever-present help in trouble…our bright and morning STAR!

 Princess Olive was rescued by an amazing agency whose volunteers found her on a filthy farm, locked in a horse trailer with no food or water.  They cleaned her up, gave her lots of love, and now she lives with us…fostered by a friend of ours who also exhibits selfless love.

We are humbled and honored to have the opportunity to teach Olive that she is a Princess and that her physical disabilities do not devalue her sweet existence.  She is worthy of all the love we can lavish on her.  And we look forward to all that God has planned.

Father, forgive the man who abused her…for surely he knew not what he did!

© Copyright 2017, KeziahCarrie.  All Rights Reserved